
Programming Lead
- 学生時代はどこで過ごしたのですか?
I went to elementary school at the Japanese School of Shanghai and then spent the rest of my life in Japan.
- 学生時代はどんなことをやってきたのですか?
I had many hobbies and was into a variety of activities. In sports, I was into judo and basketball.
In addition, I was very fond of singing and even went to audition for a job when I was in college. - 今までの職務経歴
Joined EVOLANY in 2020.
- 普段どんな業務をやっていますか?
I do management-like tasks such as checking and assigning tasks to engineering team members, as well as the actual development of the engineers.
- 一日の業務はどのように過ごしていますか?
I work on my own, and when I’m done, I help and advise other engineers.
- 業務の中でやりがいを感じる瞬間をいくつか教えてください
When my or my engineering team members’ deliverables are actually used or evaluated, or when my deliverables are useful to the people I am helping.
- 業務の中で過去の自分と比べると成長を感じる瞬間
When I am able to finish each task in a shorter time than before and can spend more time helping other engineers.
- これからのチャレンジしたい業務領域や展望
I want to be able to work as an engineer so that I can stand shoulder to shoulder with senior engineers.
I would also like to challenge myself in areas I have yet to experience, such as marketing and sales. - EVOLANYの好きなところを教えてください
The members get along well with each other and are close to each other like friends, but they also work hard on their jobs.
The atmosphere is one in which members can easily express their own opinions without hierarchical relationships. - 週末の過ごし方や趣味を教えてください
I like to drink, so I go out for a drink or ride my bicycle to Minatomirai for exercise.
- これから入ってくるメンバーへ、「こんな感じな人と一緒に働きたい!」のような人物像を教えてください
A person who is responsible for his/her work and has a mind-set to do it well.
Otherwise, someone who can talk about hobbies and interests in a frank manner.